I am golang developer, with over 2 years experience. My stack:
In this article, I am introduction query and search cloudwatch insights basic. APIGW statistical according api key id fields @timestamp, @message |...
install package: go get https://github.com/segmentio/kafka-go Create Topic In Kafka: create topic name logging topic logging has 1...
Comparing the Check If-Else String package main import ( "strings" "testing" ) func CheckIfElseEmpty(s string) string { if s ==...
Comparing performance return error create file return.go func newErr() error { return errors.new("this is error") } func fmtErr() error { ...
Code example: connect redis: func InitRedis() *redis.Client { rdb := redis.NewClient(&redis.Options{ Addr: "localhost:6379", ...
Hello, Currently I am implement a struct with 2 type String and Number. Normally, there will be this error: err type String json: cannot unmarshal...